Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Always better when we're together.

Chocolate milk toasting on our final night altogether!
What an epic semester. So much has happened and so many things have changed. I feel like a completely different person than I was at the beginning of the semester.
I love all the people in the picture above. They were my family away from home this semester and we created so many great memories.

The Boys from Parkview Apartment 8, Winter 2010:
Brock: I am going to miss this guy like crazy. I will miss his BSL, and great story telling. Also the knock knock jokes are going to be greatly missed. He has such a strong testimony and it shows. He always made me laugh no matter what mood I was in.
Brice: Oh Brice. The worm farmer. I love that fact about him! One day I hope to see the worm farm. But Brice is one of the sweetest guys I know and he is always genuinely happy to see you. He is always up for having fun and just being a great person. He also has a great testimony, and his example strengthened my own testimony too.
Jon: He was hilarious with his math jokes. He always had a smile on his face. Always willing to listen and talk to you. He is a very diligent student too. I love hearing the math jokes that he has to share with us.
Drew: The silent one. He didn't say a lot in the beginning but when he did it was hilarious. He is also from Firth, Idaho, which happens to be Heather and I's favorite town in Idaho! He is a great person and a good friend.
Stephen: Dearest Stephen, words can only say so much about this one. He was pretty entertaining. Always had a story to share or an impression to share. His black man impression is pretty funny too. He has such a big heart and is a great guy. He was always good to have around when you needed a good story or laugh. :)
Mike: What to say about this one. lol Mike has been one of the greatest blessings in my life this semester. He has made me feel so special and worthwhile. He is really good at humoring me when I need to be humored, or just listening when I need someone to listen. He always opens the door for me which I love. He has a great testimony of the gospel that is such an example to me. Not to mention I think that he is pretty dang good looking. But I never doubt where things stand with him and I am so grateful for that.

The Girls:
Heather: We have been through so much. Appendix, no appendix. Pants, no pants. Frostbite, no frostbite. Stressful school and work days, and no stress days. Dad's with jobs and Dad's without jobs. You're the best and understand me so well! Love you!
Lorraine: Dearest, you determination to do the right thing inspires me. Not to mention I wish I had the kind of creativity that you do. I can hardly believe that we have only been best friends for a year! Feels like I have known you my whole life.
Daniella: You're always moving at a million miles an hour. But thanks for always taking time to talk to me or give me a ride somewhere. You have such a willingness to serve others and it blesses my life. You're beautiful and so kind.
CT: Lil' CT. I am so grateful for your willingness to keep us on top of Sunday dinners. WIthout you we probably wouldn't have them. You are so loving and willing to listen when I need someone to vent to. You are such a tender and loving person. I am so glad you decided to live with us this year.
Alyssa: Thanks for all the hilarious moments you provide when you grace teh apartment. You always provide a good laugh. Thanks for always inviting us and including us in the many events you plan. You have been such a great roommate this year and we couldn't have gotten any luckier than to have you as our roommate.

I LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for the memories and the friendships!