Sunday, October 23, 2011


Well, I am in Las Vegas. My brother in law Nate is in the ICU due to a ruptured brain subarachnoid aneurysm.We found out he has blood on his brain at 5am Monday morning. Well we waited for news throughout the morning. It was an emotional morning. At 1pm we decided to leave for Vegas and we were gone by 2pm. We rented a truck. Not our best decision but you make mistakes when you are in a rush. It was just important to get to Vegas. We emailed our teachers and left. We have midterms next week which I am a little stressed about but the Lord will help us figure it out. We got to Vegas at 11:30pm and went straight to the hospital to see Nate. He is doing good. He had a successful surgery, they clipped the aneurysm and put a drain in to drain out the blood. He has a lot of blood in his brain because of the ruptured aneurysm and this is bad because blood is toxic to the brain. He is stable now but we aren't out of the woods yet. He has a fever and now we are waiting to see the effect of the blood on the brain. The blood could cause brain spasms and then lead to another aneurysm or stroke. We are here praying and hoping that he will pull through for his wife and three little kids. Nate's brain surgeon is only 33 years old! Crazy! We are blessed to have him and to be in the hospital with the best neurological team in Vegas.
This is Mike with his brother Nate who is in the hospital.

So we traveled. I am 18 weeks pregnant now. Not showing at all except for when I am laying down and you see this little hill of a tummy. Traveling still sucks though at this point in the pregnancy.  I definitely am more apt to car sickness. Which makes me super moody. Let's just say I revert to two year old temper tantrum tendencies. The sun makes all car sickness worse. I also have to pee like a racehorse all the time. I then try to not drink anything because I don't want to have to stop every thirty minutes. I then get headaches from dehydration. It is a vicious cycle. So traveling is the best. I am just glad that my back didn't hurt while we traveled and that it was a comfortable drive 95% of the time. Mike did all the driving too so that was great. If you want to hear more about Nate there is a blog my sister in law, Stacy, set up to keep everyone updated. Here is there link:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's ALIVE!!

 This is what I look like. Not much of a bump. It just looks like I have gained a pound or two. Which is true. I have gained two pounds! Woohoo! Weight gain is a good thing. That is my mantra right now. BUT, good news is that the baby is ALIVE! Sometimes it is weird to think that I am pregnant because there is no real visible sign and I haven't really felt the baby move until today. This morning when was laying in bed I felt a weird moving thing in my stomach area. So I put my hand on my stomach and felt the baby moving against my hand. It was a strong little baby. I have felt it move a couple times now. I saw my stomach moving the baby is that strong! Well anyway, it made me smile and it is nice to know the baby is alive and kicking. lol

I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. It went good. We set the date for our next ultra sound. It is November 9th. That is when we will find out the gender! I am so excited. Other than that the appointment wasn't too eventful. Just weight check, heart beat check for the baby, and any questions we had.

This week was my birthday. It was on Wednesday. It was very exciting. I received a new Kindle! Love my Kindle. Best thing ever. I got some belly bump sleeves. I also got a new cook book which I am excited to use. I also got a new top that I love from my family. I got some pretty flowers from my husband and he made me pancakes from scratch for breakfast. The pancakes were delicious. 

 We made cube steak sandwiches for my birthday dinner. The pic above is the yummy cube steak and vegies for the sandwiches. We also had Fufu berry Jones soda with it too.
 Brooke sent me some yummy Coco Bean cupcakes for my birthday. They were super yummy. My favorite one was the apple pie one. Delish.
 The weather is changing here. It went from 80 degrees to 30 degrees in a day. Sunny to snowing. Mike gets a little cold sometimes because I am always warm now so we don't turn on the heat. It is an adjustment but he is a trooper and hanging in there.
On October 6th, we had our first snow day of the year. But it melted away pretty quick and now is a cool weather with a warm sun, and beautiful leaves. It has been so nice here. Yesterday we went to Red Robin to cap off my birthday celebration and it was yummy food. I loved the onion rings and strawberry lemonade. So magnificently good.

Mike is doing good. He is working two jobs, and super busy with school. He hardly has time to watch football he is so busy. I am not that enthused with school this semester. I only like 2 of my 5 classes but that is life. Well, that is all here for us. Hope all is well with the world and those who read.