Saturday, September 19, 2009

Where am I?

So I figured that I would let you all know about my where abouts and my doings of my average everyday life. Well...not a whole lot of anything honestly. I am working full time at a fabulous consignment store called Spanky's. My closet is jam packed full of wonderful purchases and it's just fabulous to be constantly revamping my wonderful selection of apparel but life is not all clothes and work. Yes, I do feel like I sometimes live at the store that I work at but I love it. I love my job and not a lot of people can say that so I count myself blessed. I am working about 37 hours a week, and as soon as I got home from school I was able to start working, the first week home, which not a lot of college students are able to do especially to start working right away full time. So Spanky's is  a blessing in my life that is always giving to me more than I deserve especially when it comes to clothes.

But one small problem. I am absolutely addicting to clothes. I just can't resist! When I see that beautiful ruffle vest, or sleek pencil skirt that I just know will look absolutely fabulous on me, and make heads turn when I walk by, it is hard to say NO! I take comfort in the fact that I am not paying full retail price for it because it is a consignment store that I am buying it at BUT that is not a good enough excuse. So let me tell you about a recent dilema in my life about the clothing.The CUTEST vest came in to the store the other day and it positively stopped my heart. Love at first sight in all honesty. It was a lovely lavendar, spring green, pale pink plaid, with a low v-neck cute and the lapel of the vest was trimmed with a cute ruffle and to make it even more perfect it looked just divine on me. Well automatically I decided to buy it. There is just no way that I could just not buy it. But when I got home that night, I searched through my closet trying to see what I could pair it with to make it a perfect, put together outfit. I know that I could just throw it over a white t-shirt, and call it good. Yet the vest was just too fabulous to cop out and put it with a simple Tee. It deserved more than that! So in the end I discovered that I had absolutely nothing to pair it with, and I had to forfeit the right to the vest. It was not a match made in heaven. It broke my heart. When I have to walk away from a piece of clothing that I love and greatly desire, it is like ripping my heart out. At times I may feel sick at the prospect of not owning it. So thats my addiction in a simple explanation, so you can understand what exactly I am fighting. It is myself against an army of 1000 stripling warriors and the warriors are invincible! So I slowly fight my addiction hoping that one day I will not feel the pain when I decide to pass up on a beautiful article of clothing that I feel like is made just for me!

I am also taking two internet classes. The two classes that I am taking are classes that I have already taken but I am taking them again to raise the GPA. It is just a personal hell that I am going through. I am kicking myself for not doing better in these classes because now I have to redo work that I have already done once. I have thought again and again about why I didn't do better the first time and here is the conclusion I have come to. Boys. Yes, I am blaming my problem on boys. Every time it is because of a boy. I am hanging out with boys instead of doing hw. I am too tired from a late night of partying with boys. Too distracted by a boy problem to study or focus on reading. A boy calls and all hopes of study go out the window. So I am debating about entering an all girls university to see if my grades get any better without that wonderful distraction but thinking about it now I don't think I could live with out the male factor in my life. They are just so fun and exciting to be around. So now I have to figure out how to study and deal with boys. If anyone has a solution to this that would be great!

Yours Always,
Emily =)


  1. I have a solution! Have the BOYS do your homework. Perfect!

  2. thats exactly why I told you that youre not allowed to date until youre married... lets stick to that thanks!

  3. you are a GrEAT writer EM...keep going you are fabulous and BUY the way I have some shoes that I simply can not part with but they don't go with anything ughhhhh!
