Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So right now I am suppose to be studying for my humanities class along with my science class. This is the last week of studying and next week is a test or review or something insignificant and unnecessary. But I am at that point where I just want to do nothing! I have come to a conclusion that school is for fools most of the time when it comes down to the busy work and pointless assignments that do nothing except tell a teacher we read an article. Don't get me wrong I love learning new things as much as the next person and I love expoounding on things but it is when teachers give us busy work or group assignments that I get restless and bored and tired of school. I mean come on, when it comes group projects how often does it happen when one of the group members does all the work and the rest just sluff off. No one learns anything and the credit you get is either earned by yourself if you're the lucky member to do all the work or someone else earns the grade for you.

But busy work would have to be the biggest annoyance(I don't think I spelled that right...) of my life. It does nothing other than prove I read something. I am sure discussion boards and class blogs are a great idea but they should remain to be only an idea. 99% of the time I do the discussion board and right a whole bunch of nonsense to get it done without really thinking about it, just to get the credit. It is not beneficial in any way.

Those are the feelings of my life at this point....I feel much better getting them out and no longer bottling them up. 

1 comment:

  1. Agreed!! I have a climate change class that has pretty much been pointless busy work and it is like our teacher doesn't even think about the fact that we have other classes! My anatomy class is hard, but i like it a lot better because there isn't any busy work. i have been so mad about busy work this semester too haha.-Steph
