Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happiness : )

So it is funny how life changes so fast sometimes. School is going to be done in three weeks and I have a lack of focus when it comes to school work which I am fighting to the max. Grades are vital to my existence right now. Work is more of a dream than a reality. We wake up and go to work and leave by 8am and then 3 hours later in the day I forget that I even went to work. It is slightly ridiculous. Church is going great. We all have callings. Relief Society is my least favorite hour of the church day but I am trying to repent and start liking it more. Projects in classes pile and it seems that I have no time to get my things done that are due daily in classes much less have time to finish future projects. But the boy department is so much better than it was at the beginning of the semester. I went through dating a lot of jerks but finally found a genuine guy who is really sweet. His name is Mike Garrard. He served his two year mission in West Virginia, and is from Las Vegas Nevada. We have been doing lots of fun things like going to Guitars Unplugged, Extravadance, and Grand Piano's Live. He took me to Twizzle Berry for the first time which is a frozen yogurt place. He makes me smile.  Which is what everyone needs in their lives.
Mike and I before our date to Extravadance. 
Heather, Brock Laney, Mike and I. We had a blast that night.
 Lorraine and I have been incessantly pestered by our best friend Nathan Wilde, who is serving his mission in Independence, Missouri, to meet his little brother Kevin. We finally met him! It made us miss Nate tons!

Life is good! School is stressful. But the church is true and nothing else matters.

1 comment:

  1. "But the church is true and nothing else matters."

    Isn't that what it all comes down to? Love that. :)
