Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lord, I am grateful...

So lately my blogging has been happy and go lucky, which is true. Life is fabulous right now. I have an amazing boyfriend who treats me better than I have ever been treated. Classes are going really well regardless of the fact that finals are looming deadly on the horizon. I have a great job that I enjoy for the most part. I love my roommates. I love my family.

But recently there are have been some bad things happening like mom's minor trip to the ER and Dad's upcoming surgery on April 5th. There are other things that have happened. Lately it feels like God doesn't think our family likes the calm of the security of a job and the great blessings that come with the job. It has been a year on April 16th since Dad has lost his job. A year is a very long time. Time fades and the world drones on. But through the crisis mode that my family has lived in for basically the last four or five years I have realized that there are great blessings in our lives.

I have struggled being here in Rexburg and knowing that my family could use my support back home. But I know that I am where I am suppose to be but that does not mean that it is not hard to be here. I love having my family call me and talk to me about what is going on in their lives because listening is what I can do right now. That will have to suffice till I get home in a week and a half. But with all this trial that has been dished out I have this resonating comforting feeling that is telling me that God has our lives in His hands and that things will work out. That He has a plan for us that we do not understand but in the eternal perspective things will make sense. He prepares us bu taking us to our lowest lows only to send us soaring to the highest highs that we are capable of when we rely on His power and strength.

Gratitude is what has been helping me make it through lately. Great friends and roommates are a great support. But the realization that I have so many positive things in my life has by far out balanced the fear of the uncertain future. Lately I have been listening to the song "Eden" by Paul Cardell which epitomizes what I feel right now. So now I can say that I am grateful for the trials that I have because they make me stronger, and have made my family stronger. We have a great love and reliance on each other because of what we are going through. The gospel is true. The priesthood is the power of God and I am blessed by the men in my life who live worthy of this gift. The opportunity I have to go to the temple regularly because of its close proximity. I am so grateful for my parents that have sacrificed so much for me to be where I am today. For my little brothers who smile and laugh and bring joy into my life. For my sister who I share a relationship that I can't have with any roommate in the world. Sisters are something that can't be replaced. She holds a special place in my heart and if I could I would do anything for her.


  1. I love this post. I love your testimony. I love your family. It sometimes takes people their whole life to learn to trust the Lord the way you are so humbly trusting Him now. So many people would be angry and bitter, but being humble and submissive shows wisdom and maturity. You are so right, He has a plan for you and your family and it will ultimately bring the greatest happiness if you continue to faithfully endure. I do hope the trials soon cease, but I also know that the Lord loves you all and will lead you each to where you need to be in order to become who He knows you can be. And it will be worth it. :)

    P.S. I LOVE Paul Cardall!!! :)

    P.P.S. I also love these family photos! Beautiful!!!

  2. What a great post Em! Such an awesome attitude. I love your family! Miss you!
