Friday, November 11, 2011

Baby G is a girl!!!

So Wednesday was the day. November 9th took way too long to get here. Mike and I were both excited. People asked us if we were nervous. That question stumped us, mostly because there was nothing to worry about. We were just ready. The ultrasound technician showed us all her little body parts and organs. It was cool to see the heart beating. We also got to see the separate chambers of the heart. We saw the brain and the separate lobes of the brain. The whole time we were just wondering what the gender was. It was great seeing everything else, but we just wanted to know. Finally she told us, and Mike and I just smiled big and were so excited. It feels good to know the gender of our baby. She had the hiccups during the ultrasound and wouldn't stop moving her legs around. She also had her hands tucked underneath her chin. Already posing for pics before she is even born. Baby G weighs 13 ounces and is 21 weeks. It is crazy to think that we are halfway done.

It is kind of crazy to think that the baby is alive and moving around inside of me right now as I type. I feel her moving around a lot during the mid morning hours which is a fun experience. No one else has been able to feel her yet. Still small and hiding. This whole experience is kind of surreal. I am still only somewhat showing. When I tell people I am pregnant, they always comment on how I hardly look pregnant. So, still small and only looking thick.

Mike and I had a pact that we wouldn't talk about names until we knew the gender, because it caused strife between us. Now we know and let the talking begin. We have decided to keep whatever name we decide on a secret until she is born.

Mike and I both registered for classes this week. I am probably going to be taking 13 credits next semester and working as a teacher's assistant for Brother Bennion, an English professor on campus. I won't be working at the call center next semester. Mike is taking 13 credits. (I think. I can't entirely remember) Either way, it is going to be an incredibly busy semester. Baby G is due on March 22 which is two weeks before the semester is over. Let's hope she decides to arrive late.

My senior year of college has been rough. This is mostly due to the pregnancy. Sometimes I feel like I am becoming dumber rather than smarter. The pregnancy hormones kill my thinking power. Not to mention I have pregnancy induced ADD. (At least that's what I have decided) So sometimes I get distracted and forget that I am supposed to be studying. No worries though; I still have good grades. One more semester of classes and then student teaching is all I have left. I can't believe I am almost done. It makes me sad. I really do love being a student.

My major is English Education. I will be teaching secondary education. I am excited, but something I have realized this semester is that I want to go to law school. It is something that I realized too late. I have been talking to a lot of people about law school. I also talked to a Garrard family friend who went to law school. It just makes me excited and jealous all at the same time.  I like teaching, but I don't love it. I know that law school is not a possibility right now but one day I will go. It is on my bucket list. It is going to happen!

So that is all for now, but I will post again soon. We have our one year anniversary, Thanksgiving, and Christmas coming up. Lots of fun events to come.

This is our baby. You can really see a resemblance.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently the forgetfulness is called placenta brain- that's at least what all the pregnant and previously pregnant with child have called it in my ward
