Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Baby Preparations

 One of the things that I worked on in Vancouver is the baby quilt for baby G. I think that it turned out really well. It is coral, tangerine, brown, blue, and cream. I love it. I put a coral minky on the back which the baby will love because it is so soft and warm. It is so soft, I am tempted to use the blanket until she is born. We did a lot of baby prep while in Washington. We already have a baby swing that my mom's friend gave us. We bought a really nice pack and play for 60 bucks! It is practically brand new and in perfect condition. It will be great for the baby when she is sleeping in our room. We also were able to get clothes and a couple other needs for the baby. 

We signed up for birth classes which start next week on January 17th. The due date is getting closer. Only 10 more weeks! I can hardly wait. This baby is quite active. Her favorite activity is kicking my ribs. It is fun to watch my belly move when she is kicking.

This is the rocking chair that my mom gave me. She bought it when she was pregnant with me. She had Grandpa Smith refinish it. She gave it to me for the baby. I love it. It is my new favorite seat. It looks really good in our apartment. We still have no idea on what the name is going to be for baby G. I am OK with that though. I figure that when we see her we will just know what the name should be.


  1. my mom gave me her rocking chair, too, and it's the same as yours!

  2. Love the quilt, love the rocking chair!
