Friday, July 30, 2010

Missing my roomies.

I love these girls like crazy. Two years of living with each other and/or being friends has been amazing. Guys are great and necessary but there are needs that boys can't fill and that is why these ladies are in my life. It is funny how you don't realize how good you had it until it is gone. I was excited to leave Rexburg but the negative to leaving was that I would no longer live with my roommates. It is the last time I will live with girls in Rexburg because upon my return next January I will have a new roommate, a husband named Mike. That will be quite the new experience. Now that I am gone I am realizing that I had the best roommates a girl could have hoped for. I love them tons and miss them like crazy.


  1. the missing doesn't go away that's for sure! even after being married for as long as I have I still miss living with roommates..... but i still like cuddling up to Hans every night!

  2. I LOOOOOVVVEEE YOU! You can come spend the night with me whenever you want! But...I don't think you'll want to :)
