Friday, July 30, 2010

School is FINALLY over!

Well right now I am sitting in Las Vegas, Nevada in my future in laws home. It is hot here but manageable and it is nice to be in an actual home rather than a stuffy apartment. I have really loved visiting with Mike's family. His niece's and nephew's are all really cute and fun. His parents and siblings and spouses are all pretty dang funny and easy to be around. It makes me excited to go home and be with my family again.

The only downer about this trip is that I am miserably sick! I honestly feel like I am dying at times. I have a stupid sinus infection. So that translates into me dying of congestion and pain. I feel bad being sick like this because it is vacation and we are suppose to be doing fun things other than sitting and laying on the couch all day. Mike and I went to the Urgency Care today and they gave me antibiotics and pain relievers so hopefully I will be feeling better ASAP. I am so done being sick!

School ended with a bang. It was probably my easiest finals week ever or I guess the least stressful finals week ever. This is probably because of the whole semester worth of stress. I felt like every week during the semester was finals weeks and so the workload was normal and easier to handle when the real finals week arrived. So I think that the continual stress and pressure made it easier for me to handle finals and cleaning and moving a whole lot easier. But Mike and I were out of Rexburg by 10 am on Friday morning and gone.

It is weird to think the semester is over and that we will not return until 5 months from now. Just think next time I see the highway-green signs announcing BYUI again I will be a married woman. Mike and I will be a whole more than just fiance's. It is daunting to think of the prospects of the future. So many unanswered questions to figure out the answers to but somehow they will be answered. It is interesting to hear people ask us what our plans our because I can say we have ideal "plans" but there is so much that I am sure will change and evolve through time and circumstance. It is comforting to know that I will have Mike there to help me and we will have each other. If it wasn't for him I am sure that I would be freaking out so much right about a month ago.

One thing that I am excited for about marriage is just having each other and being able to be together forever and then some. For so long there have been guys that came and went, tearing me up and leaving me hanging, there was never that trust of them never leaving. But with Mike it is different. It has been different with him from the start. In our relationship I have never felt jealous or insecure. He has been the rock in my life for these last 5 months and I hope that he always will be my rock. He keeps me relaxed and calm. I am glad that we have each other to experience the good and the bad in life, and to overcome the difficulties together. I want to do everything I can to be the best I can be for him and nothing less. I love Michael Garrard more and more each day. It is crazy to think about how far we have come in the 5 months we have been together. Each moment has been sweet and it is only getting sweeter with time.

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