Saturday, July 3, 2010

Well....I'M ENGAGED!

So last night, July 2nd, I was proposed to by Michael Christopher Garrard. I WAS not expecting it to be last night. I had like a thought, oh it could be tonight, but passed it off as wishful thinking. I thought he was acting extremely calm and relaxed so I didn't suspect anything. He had been working all day with his mission buddy Chris, and I had been cleaning my apartment to distract from my load of homework I didn't want to do. So at like 7pm we drove to Idaho Falls for the delicious Cafe Rio. So yummy and satisfying after a long day of work.

We then went back to Rexburg and got ready to go stargazing at the Sand dunes. Again, no ideas at all that it was coming. So we laid out under the stars talking and laughing. I was really tired from cleaning that day so I was really relaxed and sleepy. He told me that he loved me, and I said I love you too. Next thing I know, he is slipping the ring on my finger, saying "I love you so much. I want to spend forever with you. Will you marry me?"

Well, I was completely taken off guard. All I could even thing to say is "wha, wha, Are you Serious?? YES!" Lol It was just a bunch of garbled words because I was so surprised! Well we immediately called our parents and family to tell them the news. All we could do is smile and laugh and kiss each other over and over again. All night it was that way pretty much. We called lots of friends and family to share the news.

Mike did an amazing job at picking out the ring, I LOVE IT!  He wanted to pick it out and surprise me which at first I was unsure about but the ring is spectacular. It is like he picked the exact ring that I imagined in my head and found it in tangible form. I love him so much. I can hardly wait to spend my life with him.

Here are pics of the ring and us from last night.
Mike and I after we got back from the Dunes.

The ring is amazing! I love it. : D
My amazing roommate Heather who was in on the secret the whole time and I had no idea! She is the best secret keeper ever!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you...the ring is amazing and you both are adorable together....can't wait to see you this week
