Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why marriage is just the best thing ever!

Well thinking back to my freshman year of college people would tease me and say that I would get married really fast and that I would have a ton of kids fast. I use to say "No! I am not getting married for a long time!" and looking back on that I wondered why I ever didn't want to get married. Being married now is a blast and so much better than I ever thought possible. It does help that I have a really sweet husband who helps clean, wash dishes, does the laundry and cuddles me whenever I want. Here are my top reasons why marriage is so much better than I ever thought possible:

  1. A cuddle buddy whenever you want and then some.
  2. You don't have 5 other roommates to clean up after, only one now who is not that messy. At mine is not that messy.
  3. He does part of the cleaning.
  4. No more saying good night and going to separate apartments.
  5. I get to cook as much as I want now because he will eat pretty much whatever I cook which is really really nice.
  6. He does the laundry. It was part of our agreement of renting an apartment that did have a washer and dryer. I was so sick of coin operated machines.
  7. He does the driving. I help drive on road trips but in town he drives.
  8. He opens the door for me.
  9. He will pick my up from the gym when I don't want to walk all the way home.
  10. School is just easier. Who knows why but it is easier.
  11. He is good at scanning homework for my when I need it done. 
  12. He has cleaned the bathroom the last two times.
  13. He lets me take command of the kitchen which is my favorite room because it is all to my design. 
  14. He is pretty dang hilarious and really puts me in the best moods.
  15. And we are just married.
This kind of turned into an "I am grateful for Mike" list. But still it is the best parts of marriage. I am sure that I missed some things that are so fabulous about marriage but still, it is just great. I love you Mike!

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