Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life is not spelled F-A-I-R

There are some times in my life where everything is going great and perfect. Other times not so much. When life is not going as good as I want, it gets frustrating. One thing in my life that I have tried to do is not cry over something that I can't change. Accept it and move on. Not an easy thing at times. Being angry, whiney, teary, and just acting plain childish doesn't change anything. Sometimes being an adult is tough that way.
This week I found out that I didn't get an HR job for online studies which I was pretty excited about and wanting bad, mostly because it would be good to build up my resume and also because it was 20 hours a week. Which Mike and I need right now. Then I was hoping Mike and I would be able to make it to Colorado for my cousin Skyler's farewell but because of prior commitments to work Mike and I can't get off in time to drive with Steph and Hans. All my uncles will be there, my mom, and grandparents will be there and I can't go. It is not fun. Well, not going to lie I am upset but I am grateful at the same time. As much as it stinks to not go I am grateful that we have a week of working and earning money. I am grateful for the break we get to have from school. Not to mention Mike and I went to Twizzleberry which is a frozen yogurt place, and Mike won a free yogurt because he guessed the exact weight of his yogurt and then we had a card for a free one as well. So we won TWO FREE yogurts. So fun. Mike and I are pretty blessed with all the good things that we have and I am grateful for that. Being happy and positive makes life so much easier. So positivity is my outlook right now even though I really just want to be upset. I think that Katherine Hepburn said it best: "Life is hard. After all it kills you." Makes me smile every time.


  1. Made me smile, too. lol

    You have a good attitude. Life is not always fair. :S It's especially tough when you're just getting started because you are pretty much building your life up from the ground level. But you're doing it together and that's what matters most. The sacrifices and struggles you have now, if you work through them together, will bless your marriage/family/lives forever. Like I said, you have a great attitude, it is a great example to others, myself included. :)

  2. Disappointments, not matter what the source are hard. And, it's frustrating to just not have the money or time to do what you want to do. But, I appreciate your "suck it up" attidude. The disappointment will pass, life won't always be like this and it will get better. Counting your blessings almost always helps, as you've learned. Good job.
