Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Year of Goals

I have made several goals this year. I didn't really make them until February but all the same I have made them. My goals this year are:

1. cook dinner 3/4 times a week.
2. Read my scriptures everyday of the year.
3. Read the entire New Testament
4. Read 100 books this year. I am almost half way done. I have read 48 books.
5. Work out at least 5 times a week for a minimum of 30 mins.
6. Make sure I clean the apartment every week and pick up daily. 

They are not many goals but all the same I have them. I have done really well so far this year. I am really enjoying working our regularly. I love it. The work out high is almost addictive. I get up at 5:30 in the morning to work out before school which you think would make you tired the entire day but I don't get tired. Instead I am pumped up with energy all day long and at times find it hard to fall a sleep at time. I only cook dinner 3 or 4 times a week because all the left overs last us a few days and that is all we need. Things are going well with my scripture study. I am just starting the book of Romans. I am having the best semester so far. I love my classes. I am taking Post Modern Literature which is rocking my world. We have read The Things They Carried and City of Glass. I am taking Major Authors and we are studying Willa Cather, Steinbeck, and Faulkner. Love that one too. I am taking Education Psychology which is changing my perspective entirely on how I learn. I am taking beginning Piano, and also Family Foundations. Family Foundations is good. It is a religion class based on the The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Good semester. Loving the learning.


  1. I love the update on your life! I'm going to come to you when spring term is up for suggestions on books to read!

  2. Sounds good. Mike and I are passing through Utah on June 3rd and again on the 7th. Let me know and I can bring some books.
